Mistress Christiana giving a demo on drop spinning using a drop spinal that she made the previous week prior to the arts and sciences entry. Christiana enter a number of drop spinals of varying design and weights into the arts and sciences and had manage to score a journeyman's win in the arts and sciences at Winter's Coming, November 19th 2011.

Day of the Dead, a war tourament that took place from October 22 to the 23rd. M'Lord Kasper and Mistress Christiana attended the event and have taken in a number of happenings. Below a photo of Christiana and the duke going at it in Shini for Christiana to be carded in the marshal arts of shini, rapier, and the use of the dagger, which would also go towards her carding in combat archery.

A part of Christiana's participation she enter two different pies, one been mushroom pasties, and the vension pie. These would be served later at the pot luck. The entries did not win but did count towards Christiana's arts participation point. Christiana and Kasper on Sunday partake in the archery shoot.
On the September long weekend in 2011, Mistress Esther, Master Kasper and Mistress Christiana attended the Imperial Wars. Mistress Christiana would win the bowman's shoot, and would score 29 pts on the Arts and Sciences with her X chair. Master Kasper have tried a bit of target archery Saturday morning while Christiana arrived mid morning on Saturday and was busy setting up the camp. Kasper and Esther arrived Friday night, but would depart Sunday afternoon for their trip back to his homeland of Sask.
Here shown is the matching set of x chair and the stool. The chair was the arts and sciences entery into Imperial Wars 2011 Arts and Sciences.
Saturday, Mistress Christiana would part take in Combat Archery, and she prepared to do some combat fighting on Sunday for carding, but unfortunately that evening she was stung by a yellow jacket hornet that caused her shooting hand (archery) to become swollen. She was able to participate in the long distance archery shoot and won the bowsman shoot even with her swollen hand and wrist. It was a close call for her for the hospital. Kasper played his lute at Saturday's night bard, while Christiana and Esther told of stories.
The two stools present to their graces of the Duchy of Connacht at Imperial Wars September 2011.
There were other events that were attended, but it would only be attended by Christiana as Master Kasper and others were occupied with mundane life isses of distance, monies and work. Strange how these things can get in the way, but prior to Imperial Wars and after Neverending Knight Christiana would be much on her own in participating at Connacht events. These events beginning with the latest and working to earliest are posted below.
Insurrection: Christiana was the only one in attendance from Phasiani lacus Manerium to attend in the Arts and Sciences, and target archery. She enter a fruit pie for the arts and sciences, and she would also take a class in card weaving.
Wolfgang: June 2011 Christiana would participate in archery and the teaching of a class in needlework of blackwork.
Banner Wars: 2011 Last weekend of May, Christiana would participate in arts and sciences with a celtic norman harp cross, and would play both in Combat archery and target archery while attending the event for one day, although the event would run from Friday night to Sunday, but due to poor weather Christiana made it as a one day event. Kasper was in town but due to mundane reasons could not make the event.
Stepping down Coronet: May 2011. This would be the first recogized event that Christiana would attend of where she would earn a few points. This would be in Combat archery on Saturday, and her Arts and Science project of Roast Kid. Because of mundane events happening with Kasper and other members Christiana was the only one to attend, and almost did not make the event account of vehicle problems and health issues.
The first time that Christiana set up her new pavilion at Stepping Down Coronet, to find out the problems of the pavilion. The site did present some wind issues on Saturday, and did take down a couple of other Connacht member's tents, Christiana's pavilion took the winds with grace. Also this would set in motion of how to reduce the amount of items to be transported to events.

A view of the interior of Christiana's pavilion interior. Shown in the background is the old heraldic devices that were never approved, but new devices flags and badges have since been made and approved by the Adrian Empire as of October 2011. A rampart griffin of gule maintaining three arrows on an argent field (badge) and battlement of sable on or with a rampart griffin maintaining three arrows on argent (flag) and a rampart griffin of gule maintaining three arrows on argent field, with a cheif of azure. At the same time Master Kasper Device was also approved - a viking ship of gule on a arget field with a point of azure.

Needlework of blackwork been preformed by Mistress Christiana - an ongoing project for March to Jan 2013. Completed it will be the outer shell of an Elizabethan Coif.

Teaching of class of blackwork needlework at Wolfgang tourney to ten other members of Connacht where Christiana would earn a DI point in ministry.

It was at Tournament of Roses 2011 that things begun to sour when it was decided that the household would leave the SCA and search out new routes for our enjoyment in the anachronism arts. By decision the night of Tournament of Roses the household made the decision to leave the SCA and in during so there were a number of routes that one could take. One of these routes would lead the membership for the most part to join the Adrian Empire, from a previous invitation from 2007 to attend on of the events. It was to take place the following week after Tournament of Roses to attend a demo in Oyama where the members of the household would be welcome, but changes would mean loosing the household status for a pre set period of time, along with trying to increase the membership roster in the household. Master Kasper, Master Erick, Mistress Esther, Mistress Meredith the hahn and Mistress Christiana would attend the demo and between Master Kasper, Mistress Esther and Mistress Christiana would set up a small display of what we can offer to the Duchy of Connacht. It would not be until Neverending Knight that Bob the Guilty, Meredith, Erick and Esther beside Christiana would be attending with the exception of Bob the Guilty and Christiana not signing on as member to the Adrian Empire. Christiana would become a life member to the Adrian Empire April 2011, and Bob the Guilty a member in May of 2011. Since July 2011 Meredith and Erick the hahn decided to resign from Adrian, however the household did acquire Francine and Cat. Christiana was also planning on attending Golden Swan as a candiadate in 2011 but due to matters that was out of her hands, like the moving of the site to Rock Creek, she notified the judges that she was not going to participate and resign from the Golden Swan 2011.
January 12th Night Appledore would see Meredith the hahn and Christiana attend there second last event in the SCA together. Small and cozy it was an arts and sciences session follow by a pot luck feast and echange of gifts.
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