Friday, November 18, 2011

August 2010 - October 2010 - Change in the wind

A fitting for thy lady servant that was of great help while Lady Christiana participated in Golden Swan as a candidate for 2010. Although Christiana did not make the grade, she did learn what Golden Swan was about, and thus gained a great degree of knowledge from the experience of the challenge. Shown above is Meredith the hahn who has left the household in July of 2011.

Golden Swan 2010 - Shire of Appledore - Christiana as a candidate
The cloak used at Golden Swan 2010 during the duration of the event. It is linin lined with black wool as the outer shell. Shown here is the ten panel cloak waiting for hemming and final fitting.
Golden Swan 2010 would see Christiana as a candidate to try her best at attaining the title of a golden swan lady. Due to problems, Christiana did not succeed in this task, but just making the it to a candidate is a hard task, and there are few that get the chance to reach this task.

The chessboard, and Glastonbury chairs were part of the props used in Golden Swan 2010 for a game of chess as was a requirement under the Golden Swan rules of games. Meredith the haln would be the playing partner to Christiana while being judge and questioned by the Golden Swan judges 2010.

Also during the month of September was the preperations for Golden Swan 2010 a persona challenge that would lead to a many sleepless night in creating the props and clothing required to preform a persona as a wealthy middle class widow lady of the Elizabethan era. Here shown in the above photo is Meredith the haln trying a fitting for a servant's lady in waiting Elizabethan dress. Golden swan was attended by Meredith the haln, Ron Bickerton who served as an archery tam on Saturday while the golden swan ladies performed archery. Ron was taught archery tamming over a duration of three months before acting as tam for Golden Swan 2010 under the watchful eye of Christiana.

Musical Instrument Project September 2010- an on going project

September was a busy month for two of the member of Phasiani lacus Manerium that lead the way to creating musical instruments and a new experience in creating these instruments. Back in late 2009 the idea was brought forth, and the candle was lit to begin the research on the making of guitars and of course to find the suppliers for materials to make these insturments which was no easily task for brick and mortar stores in the Okanagan.

One of the lutes that was jointly made by Kasper and Christiana

A veiw of the harp that Christiana was also working on at the same time while making the guitars and lutes. It would be 9 months before the harp received its actions in April 2011.

Two weeks of hell, but an interesting hell, for thy Kasper and Christiana seek out the methods and techniques in making guitars and lutes. Kasper wished for two lutes, and a guitar, while Christiana worked on acquiring a Spanish guitar and lute as well. The two weeks of hell open up with creating the jigs, and a many broken pieces of wood while trying to form the sides of the instruments. Kasper worked on the installation of the frets, the final shaping of the necks and the action of the five newly born instruments that were playable after the two weeks. Lots of coffee, patience and of course a few short temper bouts, but success was accomplished in the making of these instruments and to set in motion the making of more at a later date. This was a joint effort between Kasper, Esther, and Christiana.

Circlets - order of two May 2010

Prior to Midsummer of 2010 a request from Kasper and Christiana was to be answer when Christiana tried her hand at making circlets. These circlets will not be used in Adria as they are far to wide, and that the title of lord or lady has not been issued to either, however while in the SCA from August 2009 Kasper and Christiana were entitled to wear the circlet as shown above. Only two of the circlet like the one above were ever made. This style of circlet for Lady Christiana has been retired November 2011 for a new circlet.

Year 2010 Jan - June year of growth???

June 2010 Tir Righ Investiture

Tir Righ Investiture June 2010 seen the works of Kasper, Esther, Meredith, and Christiana shown on display for the purpose of the Elizabethan Guild, and the TRMWG woodcraft guild. Below is a serious of photos of the display at the event.

Shown above are tree spirits which were either made by Kasper or Esther.

A chessboard, stand and Glastonbury chairs were made by Christiana along with the chest box with a carved cross. Carvings on the board were also preformed by Christiana.

Another view of tree spirits in the forground, with a relief carving preformed by Kasper in the background.

A massive carving created by Kasper.

A veiw of more relief carving by Kasper

Here shown is some of Christiana's crafts along with a sweet bag made by Meredith the haln. Also included is a few carving in the background produced by Kasper. Members that attended Investiture were Meredith the haln, Rick Bickerton, Esther Godren, Erick the haln, Kasper Magnessun, and Christiana Elizabeth Constable.

From left to right - deputy of guilds - Tir Righ, Esther Godren, Kasper Magnessum, Christiana Elizabeth Constable. Not shown are Meredith the haln, Rick Bickerton, Erick the haln, who at the time of the photo were at the archery range.

An overall view of the display presented during the June 2010 Tir Righ Investiture at Rock Creek, British Columbia. Thanks to all within Phasiani lacus Manerium for making the display a possible happening and a special thanks to those that stay behind to help in packing up and loading of the vehicles.

June 2010 Investiture Tir Righ, overall view of campsite, and display.

Midsummer 2010

May 2010 the Shire of Appledore had its annual Appledore championship of which there were five contestants of which Christiana was one of these. Appledore's champion must be a well rounded person and must partake within a number of fields to qualify, of which are rapier, archery, heavy, arts and sciences and bard. Christiana was not qualified in heavy to fight but was able to gain a point for at least having a bit of the heavy fighting equipment, but made up for the lack in participating in the other fields.

Arts and science - Appledore Champion - the display and research documentation presented

Tournament of Roses 2010.

Lord Kasper, M'Lady Esther, M'Lady Emmy, and M'Lord Erick the haln busy with games and crafts during the Tournament of Roses 2010 at the Pie Piper table hosted by M'Lady Esther.

A copy of the fighting rules for both rapier and heavy for the Tournament of Roses 2010

A smiling face greets one and all as one must pay to enter the event known as Tournament of Roses. Meredith the haln, Kasper and Christiana would trade off to allow for the other to take a break from gate duties. In handling gate, activity occurred within the first couple of hours and than dropped off.

Lady Christiana hard at work with a cup of joe beside her as she goes through the gate forms to make sure everything balances and that every fee received is accounted for. The duties of an autocrat are never over till after the event, and than there are the reports to make and the thankyou to sent out. It would be the first event that she would autocrat, but is the second event she co hosted as a co autocrat. In a previous event she was known as site autocrat - campmaster August 2009. In been selected as autocrat for Tournament of Roses 2010 Christiana begun the advertising as soon as possible which begun in August of 2009.

Feb Tir Righ Investiture 2010

Unfortunately there are no photos of the event, but the event was attended by Kasper, Meredith the haln, Erick the haln and Christiana Elizabeth Constable. During the period of time involved meeting with the deputy of guilds, and with their royals for annoucement of the Tournament of Roses 2010, which would take place a week later.

12th Night Jan 2010.

Attended by Kasper, Esther and Christiana for the feast. This event was a local event hosted by the Shire of Appledore.

Listed below this blog is two blogs that are closely related to the happening of 2010, but would also lead the way to other changes as well

Tournament of Roses 2010

We of Phasiani lacus Manerium along with a few other members of the Shire of Danescombe helped in hosting the Tourament of Roses for 2010 with Christiana been the Autocrat, Meredith the haln on Gate, and Kasper - assistant Autocrat, and Esther during pie piper. There were others that helped and I Christiana do wish to thank all those involved in making this event a success and to make it a part of history of Phasiani lacus Manerium and the Shire of Danecombe for Feb 2010.

Tournament of Roses February 27th 2010

To my lords and ladies, it is the time to prove yourself to your inspiration. The warm winds of spring blow the Shire of Damescombe invite one and all to come out and fight for your inspiration. The tournament will feature both the armored, and the rapier tornament to honor your inspiration, and to select a defender for the shire. There will be an A&S competition with the theme of "A ROSE", and classes and workshops, followed by a lovely feast prepared by our feast autocrat, Sexburga the Brewster. Merchants and instructors requiring information and booking contact Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable. There is no merchant fee.

Site opens February 27th, 2010 at 9:30

Closes February 27th 2010 at 11:00 PM..

Site Fees:
Youth 12 and over......................7.00
Children under 12.......................N/C
Family Cap ...............................35.00 (2 adults and 2 youth or more - must be of the same family not an SCA household.
NMS fees (non member) ..........3.00.

Feast Tickets.........................Pre reg:.............................$10.00

after Jan 10th 2010...........................................................12.00.
Fighters must show there yellow card at list to participate in the tourney and must have an INSPIRATION in attendance.

Tournament of Roses Feb. 27th 2010
Merchants and Artisans

Greeting to all the fabulous merchants of Tir Righ!
Tournament of Roses is quickly approaching and it is time to start encouraging the populace to clear space for Feb. 27th 2010 which is a Saturday, and to come join us in the Okanagan for a wonderful day. And of course, we all know how to entice people to come to an event, than to promise them great shopping! But we just cannot do that without the help of our fabulous merchants, artisans and craftsmen of Tir Righ.
As head of the Autocrat team, I'll like to extend a personal invitation to all merchants, artisans, and craftsmen, bring your goods, display your wares, and teach and show the people just what treasures they are lucky enough to have access to. We won't charge you a monetary fee to set up shop - we feel your presence adds to the ambiance of the event and as such, should be encouraged! Think of it as a chance to promote the wonders and teachings you have with the populace.
To the merchants - there is a limited amount of indoor space, however there is no need to bring tables as tables are supplied. I the autocrat will require to know how many tables you will require. (28 inch x 96 inch per table) Please email me at with your merchant name, product you are selling and number of tables required max. 2 tables - Your spot will be reserved and your name will be listed in this site. For emailing please see instructions under Special Note.
To the artisans, and craftsmen, as Autocrat, I will forward on the information to Mistress Yrsa, but will require an email from you, of the hours required for teaching (1, 2 and 4 hr blocks are available) an introduction of materials and course being taught, cost per student, min. max student numbers, and your title if applicable and instructor's name and any other requirements. These will be forwarded onto Mistress Yrsa.
Autocrat - Tournament of Roses
Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable

Tournament of Roses Feb 27th 2010 - A&S theme a Rose

The theme is a single rose on any medium and must be submitted before noon Feb 27th 2010 so that the judges can judge the medium at 2:00 PM Feb 27th 2010. The award will be awarded on the first bardic schedule to the winner. Please bring your item early so that it can be display to the populace.

Rapier Rules for the Tournament of Roses Feb 27th 2010

Marshal: H.L. Kristophe Spender.

No one ever loses a rose. Namely once your inspiration has one they will have one. Although it is not written in the rules, each inspiration will start with one rose that they will keep.
List and armor weapon inspection opens at 10:00 AM
Rapier tourney begins at 10:30 and end at 12:30 PM
Your inspiration must be present during the tourney
.Now the rules:
1.) Each fighter receives 3 rose coins to start. The loser of a challenge must give a single rose coin to the victor.
2.) Roses cost 2 rose coins to purchase and are required to "win the tourney." However rose coins represents lives so purchasing roses puts you at greater risk of being killed. Fighters must balance their strategy.
3.) You can oinly purchase one rose per round. IF YOU HORDE your rose coins you may have many rose coins/lives and still fail to make the semi's because you don't have enough roses.
4.) You must have a coin to wager in order to participate
5.) The top 4 rose purchasers will comprise the semi-finals.
6.) The winner will be awarded the Shire of Danescombe Rapier Defender title,.
To the Rapier Fighters, please return the brown rose coins back to the list table for the heavy tourney, or to the Autocrat: Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable.

Heavy Rules for The Tournament of Roses Feb. 27, 2010
Heavy Marshal: Olin Medvedovich Squire to Sir Owain (mda Orrin Nesdoly)
Updated Feb 20, 2010

No one will ever lose a rose. Namely once your inspiration has one they wil have one. Although it is not written in the rules, each inspiration will start with one rose that they will keep.
Lists and armor inspection starts at 1:00 PM
Heavy Tourney (Main Hall) 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Your Inspiration must be present during the tourney
Now the rules:
1.) Each fighter receives 3 rose coins to start. The loser of a challenge must give a single coin to the victor
2.) Roses cost 2 rose coins to purchase and are required to "win the tourney." However rose coins represent lives so purchasing roses put you the fighter at greater risk of being killed. Fighters must balance their strategy.
3.) You can only purchase one rose per round. IF YOU HORDE your rose coins you may have many rose coins/lives and still fail to make the semi's because you don't have enough roses.
4.) You must have a rose coin to wager in order to participate
5.) The top 4 rose purchasers will comprise the semi-finals
6.) The winner will be awarded the Shire of Danescombe Heavy Defender title.
To all fighters - If you have any rose coins please return these to the list desk or to the Autocrat; Lady Chrisitiana Elizabeth Constable, so that they may be used at the next Tournament of Roses. These coins are brown ceramic disk with a rose stamped in the center.

Purposed guild (SCA) charters and rules.

During the month of August 2009 shortly after Tir Righ August Investiture, through to June 2010 the development and draft of two purposed guild charters were under way. If was by decision that Phasiani lacus Manerium would leave the SCA and join Adria over a number of reasons, in Feb of 2011, but it is also the history of Phasiani lacus Manerium that helped in forming these purposed guilds and a draft of the charters and rules. Contained below are the two purposed charters that were purposed while Phasiani lacus Manerium was a part of Tir Righ. These charters are in no way connected to the charters of guilds within Adria and is strictly part of the archieves of Phasiani lacus Manerium to share among Phasiani lacus Manerium members.

Tudor Elizabethan Persona Guild

Know ye by these presents, that, we the Tudor Elizabethan Guild of the Principality of Tir Righ do petition the Principality of Tir Righ for affirmation of the guild on its ancient rights and practices.

1. ) The purpose of the guild is to promote the art and enjoyment of the Tudor Elizabethan Guild in persona context of the SCA, and to further, our knowledge and develop our skills in the full breath and depth of the art.
2.) Membership in the guild is open to any person willing to support the guild's purpose.
3.) Advisers and mentors are appointed by the Guild Minister to act as faithful council to the guild mister. The guild mentors shall encourage other to pursue the art of Tudor Elizabethan costuming, needlework, habitat and life skills, and to support the guild's purpose. The Tudor Elizabethan Guild shall concentrate on all aspects of the Tudor Elizabethan persona development.
4.) The guild minister shall guide the guild, support the guild's purpose and represent the guild in all matters concerning the guild and the SCA. Any decisions deemed important by the minister and the advisers shall be brought before the members at large either at a pre-announced meeting or through the official guild communication to all members.
5.) The guild minister shall affirmed every four years, or a new minister; acclaimed by the members at large at a meeting held at principality events. The time, date, and location of the meeting at the event shall be provided to the members through the official guild communication to all its members.
6.) Programs: may be established by the guild to teach Tudor Elizabethan persona skills, encourage studies and assist members in assessing and improving their own work.
7.) The guild shall serve the Crown of An Tir and the Principality of Tir Righ and truly, especially through the art of the Tudor Elizabethan persona.
8.) Furthermore the Crown of An Tir and or the Principality of Tir Righ shall from time to time at its options, confirm the guild in its rights, and privileges as it see fit.
Given by Order __________________________on this day_______in this________year of the Society.Minister of the Tudor Elizabethan Guild: Lady Christiana Elizabeth ConstableDeputy Minister of the Tudor Elizabethan Guild: Lord KasperChronicler of the Tudor Elizabethan Guild: Meredith the haln

The Tudor Elizabethan Guild was founded at the (a purposed guild - Principality Level) Tir Righ Investiture, August 2008 by the founding members of Lord Kasper and Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable. Presented below is the draft of Tudor Elizabethan Guild laws, by laws, and classifications...Document Navigation:.- Purpose- Membership- Meetings- Annual Meetings- Goals- Categories- Rankings- Rank Level (changes April 2010)- Chapters - Officers (changes April 2010)- Offical Communications.

The purpose of the Tudor Elizabethan Guild shall be:

a) Exist for the voluntary association and the mutual aid of its members.
b) Practice (both sexes) needlework, costume research, pattern making, optional, weaving of cloth, making of buttons and frogs, undergarments, etc. in the style of Tudor and/ or Elizabethan and/or Renaissance and/ or other European costuming of this period.
c) Further the research and study of the Tudor, Elizabethan and Renaissance period, and as much as possible the use of materials and fabrics of this period, and period techniques.
d) Strive to improve the quality of garb and costume making produced in this club.
e) Educate, encourage, and foster an awareness for garments of this period.
f) Regularly (annual) publish a newsletter (with members in mind) This is optional until membership reaches over ten members. Members will receive newsletters via the chat room. For those that wish a hard copy, a fee to cover publication price will apply.


a) Will be open to any current SCA members above 12 who show an interest for this period. 12 to 18 will be consider youth and shall have no voting rights and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The membership shall not be restricted to my ladies as my lords are welcome too.
b) Members choose their own level of involvement, from bring an embroiderer to a seamstress/ tailor and every level in between.
a) Will be held at regular intervals and will only be open to those of current SCA membership and legal age. 12 to 17 years old may participate but have no voting rights.
b) May include sessions, demos and/or information exchange on Tudor, Elizabethan, Costuming, needlework, habitat and life skills and all aspects of Tudor Elizabethan persona development (15th century - 1400s, to 17th century 1650).
c) May include judging completed projects.
d) As meeting are in members' homes, and limited for space, please do not bring children under age 12 and pets.
e) From time to time, meeting may take place through emails and polls within the chat room.
Annual Meeting:
a) A review of the guild shall be held at Summer Tir Righ Investiture.
b) Any changes may be made by the majority of the guild members. Those polling by email and suggestions by email, must forward email to the administrator before July 31st.
c) Elevations within the guild will be presented at this time.
Goals of the Tudor, Elizabethan, Guild
a) To sponsor at least one competition a year in the fields of Tudor, Elizabethan, persona in the form of costuming, needlework, cookery, habitat and life skills. b) To at least hold one class a year to educate the populace on aspects in the fields of Tudor, Elizabethan, . Only require to teach one of these fields.
c) To provide a medium of the exchange of information and goods between members of the guild and interested parties not affiliated with the guild.
d) To support the members and instruction of Tudor Elizabethan persona to its members.
Categories for Mastery:
There are two categories: These are Tudor, and Elizabethan . Some of the classes below may not exist in the main category listed here.
a) Costume research and pattern making; to be supported with documentation (required)
b) Costume - garment making (period techniques, fabrics etc) - required
c) Needlework and embellishments, stitches, embroidery - required.
d) Underpinning - required
e) Hats and hoods - optional
f ) Ruffs - dinner plate, and open collars - optional unless Tudor or Elizabethan
g) Apparel Laws - Documentation, style, colors, fabrics, class structure, etc - requiredh) Needlework - Documentation and projecti) Cookery - Documentationj) Habitat - Architecture, domestic skills - documentationk) Life skills - documentation and examples - can be combined with list above.
OPTIONAL - an entry in a Principality or Kingdom level competition
a) Rise in rank required a mastery of one of the major Categories as listed in categories.
b) To master a category, one must complete a full garment of one of the three major categories and the necessary accessories as listed in the sub categories and present it to be judged by at least three members at a guild meeting.
c) The presentation and documentation will be commented upon, preferably by at least two fellow members of the Guild.
d) For all categories entered, period documentation must be provided and any adaptations noted.
e) Any entry in Kingdom or Principality level competitions will be considered as one category presented and will require no comments.
Ranking Levels (changes made Apr 2010)
a) Novice: To become a Novice you must show an interest, and have attempted a sub category entry.
b) Student: To become an student, the Novice must master the production of one sub category listed in categories.
c) Journeyman / woman: (changed) To become a tailor or seamstress journeyman must provide documentation all accessories that would have being worn in the class and period of their choice from the major categories as list above. The journeyman must also write one article for the Guild publication or teach at a Collegian.
d) Founder's Clause: The founders limited to the first five, shall be consider if in position of Administrator known as Guild Master or Guild Mistress, and is recommended that they know of one of the major categories.
a) Every Shire/barony/group may have a chapter of the guild while a member lives within. The member must hold a current SCA card of membership.
b) Each Chapter is responsible for commenting upon fellow guild members' work
c) Chapters may organize themselves and their activities according to the Charter as they see fit.
d) Individual guild members are responsible for their own progress forms
e) Each member must collect colleagues' comments and send an email and form to the Guild Administrator of guild following the presentation of category entry. Failure to do this prevents rise in rankings
f) Each chapter shall abide by the Charter of the Guild, the laws of An Tir and the ideals of the SCA.
Officers: (changes Apr 2010)
a) The administrative head of the Guild is called the Guild Administrator of the Guild and may be of any rank.
b) She/ he shall hold office for no more than four years.
c) The Guild Administrator of Guild must maintain a current list of members and reply to their correspondence. All correspondence must be English.
d) Each members rank and progress must be reported and filed.
e) He or she must maintain and augment any Guild resource or index
f) The Guild Administrator of Guild may appoint a Co-Administrator, laws are the same as above
g) Only the Guild Administrator of Guild may appoint a Chronicler if necessary
h) The Chronicler is responsible for the publication of the Guild newsletter (Textiles and Needles) and may hold office for no more than four years.
i) The Chronicler is answerable to the Guild Administrator of Guild.
j) The newsletter should be produced at regular intervals ad issued at the cost of publication. The newsletter will be email as the mail source of communication.
k) The Exchequer of the guild will catalog, store and maintain the tribute given the Guild and be guided by the Guild Administrator of Guild of in its disbursement. All monies collected will be forwarded with a statement as per Kingdom Guild Laws. Currently because of size of Guild this post will remain vacant.
l) the Exchequer of the guild will be appointed by the Guild Administrator, of Guild, and may hold the office for no more than 4 yearsOfficial Communications:The guilds official communication shall be the Yahoo Chatroom as posted in links within this website.
This is a purposed laws and is subject to change without notice.Changes made within the charter October 30th 2010 by the Minister of the Tudor Elizabethan Guild)

The next charter and laws are for the purposed TRMWG medieval woodcraft guild founded under Kasper and Christiana.

Purposed Charter of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild

Know ye by these presents, that, we the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild of the Principality of Tir Righ do petition the Principality of Tir Righ for affirmation of the guild on its ancient rights and practices.

1.) The purpose of the guild is to promote the art and enjoyment of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild in the SCA, and to further, our knowledge and develop our skills in the full breath and depth of the woodcraft art.
2.) Membership in the guild is open to any person willing to support the guild's purpose.
3.) Advisors and mentors are appointed by the Guild Minister to act as faithful council to the Guild Minister. The guild mentors shall encourage others to pursue the art of Medieval Woodcraft skills, and to support the guild's purpose. The TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild shall concentrate on all aspects of medeval woodcraft.
4.) The guild minister shall guide the guild, support the guild's purpose and represent the guild in all matters concerning the guild and the SCA. Any decisions deemed important by the minister and the advisors shall be brought before the members at large either at a pre-announced meeting or through the official guild communication to all members.
5.) The guild minister shall affirmed every four years, or a new minister; acclaimed by the members at large at a meeting held at principility events. The time, date, and location of the meeting at the event shall be provided to the members through the official guild communications to all its members.
6.) Programs; may be established by the guild to teach Medieval Woocraft skills, encourage studies, and assist members in assessing and improving their owm work.
7.) The guild shall serve the Crown of An Tir and the Principilty of Tir Righ and truly, especially through the art of medieval woodcraft art.
8.) Furthermore the Crown of An Tir and or Princpality of Tir Righ shall from time to time at its options, comfirm the guild in its rights, and privileges as it sees fit.

Given by Order ______________________________on this day __________in this _______ year of the Society.
Minister of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild: Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable
Deputy Minister of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild: Lord Kasper
Chronicler of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild: Meredith the haln
Posted - Friday, November 12, 2010

TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Charter Purposed
A new charter - simpler and easier is posted on this site. It is still to go before their highness, before becoming an official charter for the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild. Updates below the laws will be added as they come available below with web connections to our personal member's woodcraft.

The Medieval Wood Craft Guild - Laws (purposed)
Document Navigation
1) Purpose
2) Membership
3) Meetings
4) Annual Meetings
5) Goals
6) Categories
7) Rankings (changes made Apr 2010)
8) Rank Level (changes made Apr 2010)
9) Chapters
10) Officers (changes made Apr 2010)
The purpose of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild shall be to:
a) Exist for the voluntary association and the mutual aid of its members
b) Practice Medieval Woodcraft, wood joinery, wood carving, musical instrument making and construction, wood turning through the period of 650 AD to 1650 AD in the style of the Medieval, Far East, Middle East, and Renaissance period.
c) Further the research and study of period Medieval Woodcraft techniques
d) Strive to improve the quality and products produced in the club
e) Educate, encourage, and foster an awareness of Medieval Woodcraft arts within the populace
f) (Will come on line as membership increases) Regularly publish a newsletter with the needs of the members in mind. The be delivered to the members by the trwmg chat room.
a) Membership is open to any person, who desires to work with wood and techniques. If under 18 must be accompany by an adult. Must hold a current membership on SCA.
b) Because of the inherited dangers of working with tools on wood, youth membership must accompany by an adult, and the adult must sign a waiver so that the instructors are not held accountable for injury to youth when working with woodworking tools.
c) Members choose their own level of involvement, from woodcarving, wood turning, wood joinery, and musical instruments.
a) Bi annual meetings will be held at regular intervals and will only be open to those of legal age, and hold a current SCA membership.
b) Meetings may include demos in the Medieval Woodcraft, and/ or information exchange.
c) May include judging of completed projects
d) As meetings may be held online via the chat room or at members' homes, an limited space, please do not bring pets/ children under age 12 and children age 12 known as youth must indicate an interest in woodworking. Meetings may also take place at Tir Righ Investitures.
Annual meeting:
a) A review of the Guild shall be held online one month prior the Summer Investiture, and finalized at the Summer Investiture of Tir Righ.
b) Any changes may be made by a majority of the guild members through polling on line or at the August Investiture. Polling will be reserved to those over 18 and holding a current membership in the SCA.
c) Elevations withing the guild will be presented at this time.
Goals of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild
a) To sponsor at least one competition a year in the field of Medieval Woodcraft. This to be determine later as membership increase as per event. Suggestion the annual Tir Rign A&S competition. (MEMBERS PLEASE FEED BACK INFORMATION ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR STRUCTURE AND EVENTS).
b) To hold at least one class a year to educated the populace on the aspects of the fields of Medieval Woodcraft and interested parties not affiliated with the guild.
c) To support the membership, in learning the art of Medieval Woodcraft and to support instruction within reason to its members of the guild.
Categories for Mastery:
a) Tent frame and camp furniture: must be as close to being period as possible - models are acceptable along with documentation.
b) Woodcarving: i) sculpture: ii) relief (high and low) woodcarving: iii) country craft wood shaping and carving (helving, handles, spoon work, spoke shave and draw knife): whittling: chip carving, architectural carving. Our carving instructor is Lord Kasper and can be reached at
c) Medieval seige weapons of wood: (These can be scaled models) documentation required
d) Bolger work: (chairs, stools)
e) Wood joinery: (cabinet, tables, chest, beds). Our instructor is Lady Christiana and can be reached at
f) Spinning and Turning: Lathe work and spinning (Our instructor temporary Lady Christiana)
g) Luthier: Musical wooden instruments (lutes, period guitars, drums, Celtic harps etc) - instructor is Lady Christiana
h) Medieval architecture: Documentation is only required for this one, but if one wish to make scaled down models showing the joinery aspects, you made do so. (Gothic, Norse, Renaissance etc) - instructor is Lady Christiana
i) OPTIONAL - an entry in a Principality or Kingdom level A&S competition
Rankings: (changes made - Apr 2010)
Note: Excludes founding members (the first five members to form group)
a) A rise in rank requires a mastery of one of the categories listed in categories for mastery:
b) To master a category, one product must be produced for an event and must be view by the journeyman - journeyworman of the guild in there chosen mastery field, and/or A&S judges.
c) For all categories entered, period documentation must be provided and any adaptations noted.
d) Any entry in Kingdom or Principality level competitions will be considered as one category presented and will require no comment. To become a master, this will be determine at the Laurel level
Ranking Levels: (Changes made Apr 2010)
a) Novice: To become a novice you must show interest and have attempted one category entry
b) Student: To become an student, the novice must master the production of one category, or attempted three categories. One of these entries must be presented at a guild meeting.
c) Apprenticeage: To become a apprentice, the student must master three categories. One of these entries must be presented at an official event. The student must submit one article on line for the guild publication or teach at Guild/Shire level.
d) Journeyman or Journey women of the above catagory (example: Journeyman of Woodcarving): To become a Journeyman or journey women, a apprenticeage must provide a project at an A&S event Kingdom or Principality. The journeyman must also write one article for guild publication or teach at a Collegian. Note: to become a Master or Mistress will be determine by the Laurals.
e) Founder Clause: This is reserve to the founders, as they may or may not attained journeyman ship and or Mastership through the SCA, but have acquired their knowledge through mundane life. This clause is limited to the first five founding members.
a) Every shire/barony/group may have a chapter of the guild while a single member lives within the region.
b) Each Chapter is responsible for commenting upon fellow guild members' work
c) Chapters may organize themselves and their activities according to the Charter as they see fit.
d) Individuals guild members are responsible for their own progress forms, which a copy of must be sent to the head administrator before the annual meeting (deadline July 31) known as a progress report.
e) each member must collect colleagues' comments and send the form to the Guild administrator of guild following the presentation of each category entry. Failure to do so will prevent rise in rankings.
f) Each chapter shall abide by the Charter of the Guild, the laws on An Tir and the ideals of the SCA.
Officers: (changes made Apr 2010)
a) The administrator head of the guild is called the Guild Adminstrator of the guild and may be of any rank.
b) She/he shall hold office for no more than four years
c) The Guild administrator of guild must maintain a current list of members and reply to their correspondence
d) Each members increase in rank and progress must be recorded and filed.
e) The Guild Administrator of guild may appoint a Chronicler if necessary
f) The Chronicler is responsible for the publication of the Guild newsletter and may hold office for no more than four years.
g) The Chronicler is answerable to the Guild Administrator of guild
h) The newsletter should be produced at least once a year and at a regular interval and issued either by the chat room or at issued cost of publication
i) The Exchequer will catalog the store and maintain the store and tribute given by the guild and be guild by the Guild Administrator of Guild in its disbursement
j) The Exchequer will be appointed by the Guild Admiinistrator of Guild and may hold office for no more than 4 years.
k) The Exchequer shall make annual expense forms, that must be submitted to the Guild Administator of Guild, to be further set to the Kingdom Exchequer.
(Currently the Exchequer post will remain empty until the need arises within the membership status).Official Communications Site: (changes made Nov 30th 2010)The official communication will be of that of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild, Yahoo chatroom

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Year of 2009

The year of growth and change.

In the year of 2009 Phasiani lacus Manerium underwent a number of changes brought down both by the head of the household and by its members. This was a year that Christiana would become more involved that ever before, and would result in both Kasper and Christiana in achieving under SCA rules the title of Lord and Lady. Please do not confuse these titles with Adria, as these do not have any meaning for title, unless it is the head of a household, that has been approved by the estate. Therefore these titles are for the SCA only when referring to Lord or Lady within this post for 2009 and 2010.

With a new seneshal at the post for the Shire of Danescombe, growth was about to happen, and with some respect as well. In November of 2008, it was decided that I Christiana would attend the fall Tir Righ Investiture in Maple Ridge where two members of the Shire of Danescombe would step up to become their highnesses. This would set the stage for respect to the household as preparations would soon be underway to host the August Tir Righ 2009 Investiture. It would also be the time to have the household along with others involved in creating this event, but there is also a sour grape in this as well. See Investiture 2009.

Because of mundane items that happen in Christiana's life it was a difficult time for her, as she was in fiance stress, and would not be out of its grips till the following year. With construction been so show, this allow time to work on many different [projects, of which the household would be activity involved. Beside the usual tourneys like tournament of roses, and Danescombe Academy the main concern was Investiture and later Tournament of Rose 2010 of which Christiana Autocrated.

Appledore's 12th night was on a cold Jan 2009 weekend in Kalden and was attended by Kasper and Christiana. Christiana decided to bring her needlework and golden swan research in short along with the candidate application form which was handed over to be given to the Golden Swan committee. The feast was a pot luck feast. Tournament of Roses 2009 would both see the King and Queen and their highness (Tir Righ) attend at the Lion's Hall in Westbank B.C. Christiana attended the event along, as Kasper's dragon broke down on route to the event. It was also the event that Christiana needed an inspiration to fight in rapier, of which she won one bout but lost the other. For rules see Tournament of Roses 2011. Her inspiration was Erick and at this time he was not a member of the household but rather the son of Meredith the hahn who was visiting as a non member to the SCA. After Rapier Christiana would retire to during some needlework, (cross stitch). Christiana also for the first time enter an Arts and Science project known as Any thing a Rose, of which she did not take a reward. The evening was served a cater Medieval feast of where Christiana would meet Meredith the hahn for the first time. It was also a time that a pague was going around that cause Christiana to become sick for a month and thus cause her to miss one shire meeting.

It was the March meet that would set the ball in motion as a call was brought forth by the Shire of Danescombe to have an autocrat to host the August Investiture for there highnesses to step down. At the time no one put up their hand to accept the position so Christiana decided, after all the political B.S that happen to her over the pass years, decided to get recognition for her services. She volunteer to be the autocrat for the event. Now began the journey of finding a site to host the event, and to make arrangements for other items for the event from biffies to direction signs to gate tokens, and to format an event program. But first was to fill the bidding sheet for the August Investiture. In early May of 2009 the cat was out of the bag, and most knew that I was planning on been the autocrat for the event, but it was at the June meeting that the wind in Christiana sail was set up for a down fall. Although Christina have done most of the work in the arrangements, the honor would go to another one of the member of the Shire of Danescombe to become the official autocrat of the event. Christian would become the camp master, but was the un official autocrat of the event and she so choose to call herself the site autocrat. She was one that was responsible in finding and securing the site, in putting a team together to look after the details and to make sure that the event ran smoothly on her part that had to do with the site, from site setup to site prep. Kasper was also appointed by Christiana to be head gatekeeper, after spending an evening a few months earlier to learn the gate keeping duties and its responsibility of the position. The event made money, and was a success. Although Christiana was removed as autocrat for the royal event, she most likely had done a large percentage of the work. In June of 2009 Christiana was accepted to be the autocrat for Tournament of Roses 2010.

It should be noted that Sunday of the August Investiture that Kasper and Christiana given gifts to their royals of wood carvings and little boxes of hardwoods. Christiana assumed that Kasper would receive his award of arms at Investiture, for he was the one that did all the carving work on the bread board tokens, and Christiana did the making of the blanks and mineral oil the boards. Kasper was called apon court, and Christiana knew that this would happen so a few weeks prior to Investiture she would instruct the protocal for court to Kasper who had never before except for receiving a token the year before had any idea. After presenting his carvings, he was prepared to get up, but their highnesses kept him on his knees till he received his AOA (award of arms). Christiana assumed that she would be called up after Kasper but this were not to happen and the usual rule of thumb is the royals start off with the lesser awards and work up to the major awards than the special awards, but this was not the case. After a few more calls, Christiana waited to be call to present her gifts, and to retreat from the royals, but she did not receive the permission to leave until she was given her AOA award. Later on that day a gift from their graces was bestowed apon Christiana without ceremony.

It was also Sunday that the proposal for two guilds for the Principality of Tir Righ was suggest to the Deputy of Guilds of which she was of great help. Lord Kasper and Lady Christiana came up with ideas some years earlier but were not familiar with the creation the guilds. These guilds today are know as the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild and the Tudor Elizabethan Persona Guild.

These two guilds purposed were founded by Christiana and by Kasper while in the SCA

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Year of 2008

The year of formation of the un official household in Tir Righ

In the year of 2008 it was of year of learning new skills, the first been that of a feast autocrat for a local shire event held by the Shire of Appledore. It is known as 12th night, that took place in Jan of 2008 at a church hall in Oliver. It was a simple local event, as members of the new household along with friends were invited to attend said event. The event started with a tourney of which I at the time known as Guinievere did not have time to view as I was busy in the kitchen preparing the feast. The feast basically been a pot luck feast where as members that are attending would bring a dish to serve the populace in attendance of the event. Table were set, games and some crafts were been made, while the fighters fought in the tournament outdoors. It was fortunate that there was no snow, and the sun god simile down on the fighters.

I Christiana known as Guinievere at the time was to begin the long road that would await me in services to the shire and principality.

2008 Tournament of Roses held in Feb. was that of a tourney of inspiration that is held by the Shire of Danescombe, and have taken place in the town of Peachland, and I Christiana attended the event alone. Did have a few pickup fights with the rapier among other rapier fighters, but at the time was not carded to fight rapier in touraments. After which was follow by a pot luck feast, bard, and games.

It was the end of Feb 2008 that I Christiana decided it was time to change to a different shire, as I was prior to Feb 2008 was associated to the Shire of Appledore. Because of mundane reasons of which I choose not to mention, it was time to join a shire that was closer to home. In order to be an officier of a shire it is recommended that one should live in the geographical area that the shire's boundaries are set forth. Of where I lived mundanely I was in the Shire of Danescombe boundaries. At the time, the shires weekly activities have taken place at a small hall located in Peachland where I Christiana would attend the first meeting of the Shire of Danescombe, and eventually would take the officer's post of Shire's Herald. Offically have taken the post in June of 2008, but unofficially had taken the post as early as April 2008.

When in the Shire of Appledore, in 2007, I Christiana begun working on my heraldic device and this was also the time that I Christiana begun thinking of changing my persona's name and lock in the persona image. Guinievere would no longer be used. In May of 2008 the heraldic device was submitted for registration, but because the name at the time was not register with the Society of Creative Anachronism the heraldic device was rejected. A registration of the name would occur later in 2009, and would be reserve in 2010.

The next event, also which I Christiana along with Kasper was Danescombe Academy which at the time takes place in May over a two day period, with both marshal arts, craft and historical classes, of which I Christiana would take a few of these classes. It was also the time that I Christiana would take up classes in the art of glass bead making, along with a few rapier technique classes. Kasper would play his lute and be accompany by his side kick a pug dog known as Shadow at the enterance to the event which took place in Summerland. Kasper would receive a token from their highnesses for his entertainment when court was held on Saturday night.

The third event, of which Kasper would attend would be Spring Tir Righ Investiture which took place at Chase, British Columbia. This event was consider a royal event, but unfortunately, I Christiana can down with foot problems and had to get meds to cure the problem, and was unable to enjoy the event to it fullness, but it was a time to test out Kasper's pavilion of which we worked on in April of 2008 along with the household cooking pavilion. He would also play the lute at this event while at the campsite. Other than I Christiana having sore feet, and that the dragon I was driving decided to have brake problems, which was fixed after the event, it gave both of us an insite into a royal event, but neither of us expected that some day we will be hosting a principality event (See 2010 events).

Chase, British Columbia - 2008 Tir Righ Spring Investiture
Camp site of kasper and Christiana. Pavilion to left is Kasper's, including the red top pop up where Kasper would sit and play the lute, and also play an occassional chess game with Christiana or who ever would walk past the campsite. The brown pravilion if Christiana's with the far back one in the right of photo been the cook pavilion.

Spring Investiture - Their highnesses royal court meeting area - Court in session

June would see Kasper, Karla, Emmy and Christiana attend an event that Appledore have made and created known as Mid Summer the year previously, which involved three previous events into one. This was a time that was so hot that I Christiana, could not take the heat, and wound up with heat stroke problems on the last day of the event. Other than this problem other problems occured at this event that involved some polictics, and the location where we were allowed to camp, away from the main group the event was not successful to our household, but it was the deciding point that would cause Kasper and Karla along with Emmy to join the household.
Clinton Wars 2008 (last year the SCA would sponsor the event). Clinton Wars is an event that involves several shires and barnonies to come out and do arts and war senarios at Clinton, British Columbia which take place on the B.C. August long weekend. Prior to the event, the Clinton Work Week takes place in preparing the grounds for camping, archery, and war senarios. We of the household did not partake in Clinton Work Week, but we did take in activities of learning skills and crafts, along with meeting other households that camp along side of us. I Christiana was also invited to partake in a drum circle, as I had room on the truck to bring my congas. Monday during the teardown, I Christiana would take the SCA rapier test, and was carded that day, which allowed me to partake in future SCA rapier tourneys.

September 2008 was quiet for creative anachronism events, but would be an event that was an unofficial household event, but did allow for us of the household to re-unite and have a bit of fun on our birthdays (Kasper and Christiana). It was not a medieval event. but the pavilions that Kasper and Christiana would be used at this event. Here I Christiana had the advantage of learning the art of forging a knife.

October 2008 - Golden Swan. This would be the final Golden Swan tournament that would take place at Skunk Hollow, of which I have day view the persona of Christiana with an Elizabethan persona. It was unfortunate that I was position away from the main activities that would happen at Swan. No feast, and would have to walk around the back side of the feast hall when the rapier practice field was in operation, but at least, had an chance to improve thy rapier skills. Kasper, Karka, and Emmy would attend the event day tripping for Friday thru to Sunday. Monday I Christiana was left to myself to packup and leave, but would meet again for a few days at Kasper's residence, where I Christiana begun my research and refinement of Christiana's persona before entering the Swan for 2010. This was also the time that in mundane life, as I Christiana was in renovations and construction would suffer a hard blow in the 2008 and 2009 ecomonics. Events would be restricted to the Okanagan Valley for the most part during the end of 2008 and 2009.

This photo of Christiana with Christiana's camera was taken by a professor of Shakespeare English from UBC showing her in her Eliazbethan garb. It was the same professor that sent her information of old english that enable her to write and translate old english documents in creating her persona for the 2009 and 2010 entrance into the Golden Swan persona challenge.

While at Golden Swan 2008, she used the cook pavilion and the her own pavilion to entertain her household members, Kasper, Karla and Emmy along with a few close friends. Although the household members did not have feast tickets, we of the household did have a feast prepared by Christiana and bard by its household members along with wine to wash down the removes.

The recession or should I Christiana say depression would no longer have the funds to expand the props or garb required for Christiana's persona, and would involve some creative thinking to make these items. It was fortunate that I Christiana had access via Kasper's computer for research, and by the aspects that construction and renovations have left me with a number of scrap pieces of hardwood to make the props, which would be introduce the following year. This was also the time that Kasper begun teaching Christiana the skills of wood carving.  Karla have already learned how to do carving.

In late November an event known as Freeze Off would take place in Kamloops, of which both Kasper and Christiana would take in a class on Viking Boat making, and I Christiana would enter the inspiration tourney for my inspiration Kasper. Unfortunately I Christiana died in the second round robin.

December would see two events, of which the first would take place in Vernon as a practice and pot luck feast, and the second a household event, and the prelude to swan challenge in cookery. The first event is known a Krakijord  Yule Feast, and the second know as at the time Manor of Pheasant Hollow Yule Feast which was an  Elizabethan Feast.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The beginning September 2005 to December 2007
Been by herself, and the creation of the household

The beginning of the household known a the Manor of Pheasant Hollow now known as Phasiani lacus Manerium has its beginning back to the year of 2007, but prior to this Christiana Elizabeth Constable also known as Guinvere Beverly Swan in 2006, because of a mistake on her part, because of been known by her mundane name of Beverly when she attended her first Medieval Event in British Columbia. The event is well known as the Medieval Times of the Summerland Fall Faire of 2005 (September) where she met with a few members of the Shire of Appledore (SCA).

It was by mistake that she thought it was connected to a prior event that she attended in Chicago in 1992, also known as Medieval Times, and assuming that they were of the same. By an invitation from Duncan she would attend an event know as the Tournament of Golden Swan October 2005 at Skunk Hollow, in the South Okanagan Valley. Christiana came on Saturday, and paid for a day pass, and a feast ticket, which would lead the way to becoming more involved in the events of the local shires in the Okanagan Valley. She would also begin her training in rapier, that would evenually lead her way to tournaments in future years. And also target archery of which she came back on Sunday of the Tournament of the Golden Swan and partake in the William Tell. Christiana was becoming hook on playing creative anachronism, but at the time was not settle into a persona role, of which would not be until 2008 when she locked in her persona.

It was doing the Tournament of the Golden Swan that she would meet with and make friends with Thomas of Appledore and Orick a merchant from Bear it Armories, where she acquired a dagger, that she would use later that day as an eating utensil. She was not informed that she would require feast gear, and to fit in would have to settle on Gold Key (loaner garb). In trying to find information of the organization she mistakenly tried to communicate to one of the Golden Swan candidates to obtained information, when she was informed not to communicate to these two individuals, and was not informed of any information, thus making it to the point where Christiana would learn it on her own. She also took part in a couple of classes that lasted a couple of hours each, in persona development, and long arm cross stitch.

For 2005 Christiana attended two events; The Tournament of the Golden Swan, and the Principality of Tir Righ Investiture, hosted by the Shire of Danescombe in November of 2011. Christiana would not leave the Okanagan Valley till 2007, but was quite satisfied in attending local events between Kelowna and the Canadian, US border.

In Feb of 2006 Christiana would attend the Tournament of Roses held in Westbank at a local community center, and would partake in a Medieval potluck feast where she presented a smoked ham and would take in a few rapier pickups with some of the rapier fighters. Although not carded at the time she would have a chance in doing pickups after the tournament of rapier fighting was over. Also Feast of Fellowship was held in Feb. which took place in Oliver, and this would be the time when she would meet Kasper breifly when he was playing the lute, and was also the beginning of problems to come with some of the the other members. The weekend of the Feast of Fellowship Christiana would spend the night at a local motel North of Oliver before attending rapier practice at skunk hollow, but because of differences, Christiana after a brief mis understanding with the instructor was just about to say quits, and was threating to sell off her rapier equipment and leave the group. If it were not for one of the members that was there that stated she was not be interested as acting as an agent to sell the rapier equipment, this would have been end of the story.

April of 2006 was a chance to improve on rapier skills of which Christiana would take part in taining sessions for two days at Danescombe Academy.

It would not be till October of 2006 before taking the next event known as Golden Swan. Christiana would attend the event by herself, and only day trip it on Saturday and attended the feast.

The year of 2007 would see 7 events of which Christiana would attend all seven except for three events where she would meet with Kasper. The first was 12th night a local Appledore event that took place at the Oliver Arts center, a municipal garage converted. It would be a pot luck, and a quick fried turkey was provide to the group by Christiana. Tournament of Roses would take place at Peachland, which was also a pot luck feast, and Christiana would take in the Feast of Fellowship which took place near Cawston where Christiana was able to do a few pickups in rapier, and do a bit of needlework. Here she would meet with Kasper, and the talk of getting together would begin to cement a friendship. Feast was cater. Damescombe Academy was hell in early May of which she would take a refresher course in long arm cross stitch, along with sack making and Norse hat making besides a few rapier training sessions. June would be the new event that Appledore have created known as Mid Summer. Few members showed up, and this was the time that Christiana would try out a small commercial tent along with a pop up pavilion she attained a month earlier. The was to be the equipment she would use for camping at events, but resulted in not been successful for camping out in. Mid Summer event was so hot, and with so few members attending, not much happen at the event.

With the new camp equipment Christiana would attend Clinton Wars 2007 but with problems with her membership in the SCA, she just about did not attend the event as she was upset with the aspects of paying the non membership fees. Kasper was at gate during the time Christiana would be arriving at the event, and somehow the situlation was defused, and she would be attending. Finding the campsite was rather difficult as she wish to be near Kasper, and when she did find his campsite, she manage to set up with the limited space that was available, right on top of an ant hill. At the time, because it was late, she did not see the ant hill. Clinton has a weather pattern as been chilly at night and hot during the day, but this time, it was chilly and coolish during the day, with showers ever once in awhile. This made the two person tent clamy and cold at nights because of the nylon materials it was made of. Saturday and Sunday, while at Clinton Wars, Kasper would come around once in awhile and keep company with Christiana but had other duties and visits to do. This gave time for Christiana to finish off a cloak and her garb, on Saturday so that she could play the game. On Saturday night Christiana would walk over to a group known as the dew drop inn (privates inn) where a drumming circle would play and was entertained by the beat and by the belly dancers. This was when she begin to think of buying a drum to join in a drum circle later on. She did not stay to long on Saturday night. Sunday, now completed her garb, she took in one class that she was hoping to receive of which would make her a junior tam marshal and she began to get in the spirit of the event. The test was both written and pratical, and she would take the test along with several others that Sunday and would be carded the same day. After the test she would explore the event site with some two thousand attending the event, and she realized that her camp setup was that of a poor person that was not in persona. This began her to seek out new designs and techniques, and why not, their were many styles to pick and choose from and a lot of members to explain how to create these pavilions. She decided on something simple and that was a six star pavilion, but one person mention to her that this style was unstable in a wind storm, so she redesigned the pavilion as an eight sided pavilion. She would find the truth that the person that state the six sided star pavilion was right, as she has seen at least three six sided pavilions come down in a wind storm.

She would use the tamming skills for an archery championship for the September Tir Righ Coronet of 2007 hosted by Appledore and the new pavilion for Coronet 2007.

The Tir Righ Coronet would see Christiana setting up the archery range, and during tamming except acting as an assistant tam when it came to the championship. She also would look after the torch lights for the events. Kasper, Karla and Emmy were also at the event, but would day trip the event as they lived near the site of the event. Kasper would be busy during his thing which was wood carving and trying to sell a created pieces of carving by his skill. Tournament of the Golden Swan was only a couple of weeks away, and Christiana camped out in her new pavilion that she made prior to the September Coronet of 2007, and was able to have it lined, and fortunately it was lined as it rained on Saturday of the Swan, and than frozed. She sat up near the start line of the archery line where she would tam the archery challenge of the William Tell shoot for Sunday, and a couple of other senarios which included the skunk in the hen house.

It was in 2007 that the idea came to Christiana to join one of a couple of households that she was interested in, but to her these households did not wish her to join. One evening in early Feb 2008, while talking to a member of Appledore, he suggested that she should create one of her own, as she was not wanted by the households that she was interested in. It was than and there were problems arising in the Shire of Appledore, that allow for the household to form with one person, and hopefully that it would grow, but problems occurred that were out of control for Christiana to make the household grow. It would not be till June of 2008 that she would acquire three new members, and later on a few more.