Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Year of 2009

The year of growth and change.

In the year of 2009 Phasiani lacus Manerium underwent a number of changes brought down both by the head of the household and by its members. This was a year that Christiana would become more involved that ever before, and would result in both Kasper and Christiana in achieving under SCA rules the title of Lord and Lady. Please do not confuse these titles with Adria, as these do not have any meaning for title, unless it is the head of a household, that has been approved by the estate. Therefore these titles are for the SCA only when referring to Lord or Lady within this post for 2009 and 2010.

With a new seneshal at the post for the Shire of Danescombe, growth was about to happen, and with some respect as well. In November of 2008, it was decided that I Christiana would attend the fall Tir Righ Investiture in Maple Ridge where two members of the Shire of Danescombe would step up to become their highnesses. This would set the stage for respect to the household as preparations would soon be underway to host the August Tir Righ 2009 Investiture. It would also be the time to have the household along with others involved in creating this event, but there is also a sour grape in this as well. See Investiture 2009.

Because of mundane items that happen in Christiana's life it was a difficult time for her, as she was in fiance stress, and would not be out of its grips till the following year. With construction been so show, this allow time to work on many different [projects, of which the household would be activity involved. Beside the usual tourneys like tournament of roses, and Danescombe Academy the main concern was Investiture and later Tournament of Rose 2010 of which Christiana Autocrated.

Appledore's 12th night was on a cold Jan 2009 weekend in Kalden and was attended by Kasper and Christiana. Christiana decided to bring her needlework and golden swan research in short along with the candidate application form which was handed over to be given to the Golden Swan committee. The feast was a pot luck feast. Tournament of Roses 2009 would both see the King and Queen and their highness (Tir Righ) attend at the Lion's Hall in Westbank B.C. Christiana attended the event along, as Kasper's dragon broke down on route to the event. It was also the event that Christiana needed an inspiration to fight in rapier, of which she won one bout but lost the other. For rules see Tournament of Roses 2011. Her inspiration was Erick and at this time he was not a member of the household but rather the son of Meredith the hahn who was visiting as a non member to the SCA. After Rapier Christiana would retire to during some needlework, (cross stitch). Christiana also for the first time enter an Arts and Science project known as Any thing a Rose, of which she did not take a reward. The evening was served a cater Medieval feast of where Christiana would meet Meredith the hahn for the first time. It was also a time that a pague was going around that cause Christiana to become sick for a month and thus cause her to miss one shire meeting.

It was the March meet that would set the ball in motion as a call was brought forth by the Shire of Danescombe to have an autocrat to host the August Investiture for there highnesses to step down. At the time no one put up their hand to accept the position so Christiana decided, after all the political B.S that happen to her over the pass years, decided to get recognition for her services. She volunteer to be the autocrat for the event. Now began the journey of finding a site to host the event, and to make arrangements for other items for the event from biffies to direction signs to gate tokens, and to format an event program. But first was to fill the bidding sheet for the August Investiture. In early May of 2009 the cat was out of the bag, and most knew that I was planning on been the autocrat for the event, but it was at the June meeting that the wind in Christiana sail was set up for a down fall. Although Christina have done most of the work in the arrangements, the honor would go to another one of the member of the Shire of Danescombe to become the official autocrat of the event. Christian would become the camp master, but was the un official autocrat of the event and she so choose to call herself the site autocrat. She was one that was responsible in finding and securing the site, in putting a team together to look after the details and to make sure that the event ran smoothly on her part that had to do with the site, from site setup to site prep. Kasper was also appointed by Christiana to be head gatekeeper, after spending an evening a few months earlier to learn the gate keeping duties and its responsibility of the position. The event made money, and was a success. Although Christiana was removed as autocrat for the royal event, she most likely had done a large percentage of the work. In June of 2009 Christiana was accepted to be the autocrat for Tournament of Roses 2010.

It should be noted that Sunday of the August Investiture that Kasper and Christiana given gifts to their royals of wood carvings and little boxes of hardwoods. Christiana assumed that Kasper would receive his award of arms at Investiture, for he was the one that did all the carving work on the bread board tokens, and Christiana did the making of the blanks and mineral oil the boards. Kasper was called apon court, and Christiana knew that this would happen so a few weeks prior to Investiture she would instruct the protocal for court to Kasper who had never before except for receiving a token the year before had any idea. After presenting his carvings, he was prepared to get up, but their highnesses kept him on his knees till he received his AOA (award of arms). Christiana assumed that she would be called up after Kasper but this were not to happen and the usual rule of thumb is the royals start off with the lesser awards and work up to the major awards than the special awards, but this was not the case. After a few more calls, Christiana waited to be call to present her gifts, and to retreat from the royals, but she did not receive the permission to leave until she was given her AOA award. Later on that day a gift from their graces was bestowed apon Christiana without ceremony.

It was also Sunday that the proposal for two guilds for the Principality of Tir Righ was suggest to the Deputy of Guilds of which she was of great help. Lord Kasper and Lady Christiana came up with ideas some years earlier but were not familiar with the creation the guilds. These guilds today are know as the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild and the Tudor Elizabethan Persona Guild.

These two guilds purposed were founded by Christiana and by Kasper while in the SCA

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