A listings of pervious events and demos attended by the Phasaini lacus Manerium, of both the Society of Creative Anachronism and of the Duchy of Connacht. We Phasiani lacus Manerium as of Feb 2011 are no longer associated to the Society of Creative Anachronism and are an interest group that is a part of the Duchy Connacht (Adria).
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Years of 2005 to 2011 Summary
December 2011 Phasiani lacus Manerium Comes of Age
Changes in the Wind 2011

Mistress Christiana giving a demo on drop spinning using a drop spinal that she made the previous week prior to the arts and sciences entry. Christiana enter a number of drop spinals of varying design and weights into the arts and sciences and had manage to score a journeyman's win in the arts and sciences at Winter's Coming, November 19th 2011.

Day of the Dead, a war tourament that took place from October 22 to the 23rd. M'Lord Kasper and Mistress Christiana attended the event and have taken in a number of happenings. Below a photo of Christiana and the duke going at it in Shini for Christiana to be carded in the marshal arts of shini, rapier, and the use of the dagger, which would also go towards her carding in combat archery.

A part of Christiana's participation she enter two different pies, one been mushroom pasties, and the vension pie. These would be served later at the pot luck. The entries did not win but did count towards Christiana's arts participation point. Christiana and Kasper on Sunday partake in the archery shoot.
On the September long weekend in 2011, Mistress Esther, Master Kasper and Mistress Christiana attended the Imperial Wars. Mistress Christiana would win the bowman's shoot, and would score 29 pts on the Arts and Sciences with her X chair. Master Kasper have tried a bit of target archery Saturday morning while Christiana arrived mid morning on Saturday and was busy setting up the camp. Kasper and Esther arrived Friday night, but would depart Sunday afternoon for their trip back to his homeland of Sask.
Here shown is the matching set of x chair and the stool. The chair was the arts and sciences entery into Imperial Wars 2011 Arts and Sciences.
Saturday, Mistress Christiana would part take in Combat Archery, and she prepared to do some combat fighting on Sunday for carding, but unfortunately that evening she was stung by a yellow jacket hornet that caused her shooting hand (archery) to become swollen. She was able to participate in the long distance archery shoot and won the bowsman shoot even with her swollen hand and wrist. It was a close call for her for the hospital. Kasper played his lute at Saturday's night bard, while Christiana and Esther told of stories.
The two stools present to their graces of the Duchy of Connacht at Imperial Wars September 2011.
There were other events that were attended, but it would only be attended by Christiana as Master Kasper and others were occupied with mundane life isses of distance, monies and work. Strange how these things can get in the way, but prior to Imperial Wars and after Neverending Knight Christiana would be much on her own in participating at Connacht events. These events beginning with the latest and working to earliest are posted below.

A view of the interior of Christiana's pavilion interior. Shown in the background is the old heraldic devices that were never approved, but new devices flags and badges have since been made and approved by the Adrian Empire as of October 2011. A rampart griffin of gule maintaining three arrows on an argent field (badge) and battlement of sable on or with a rampart griffin maintaining three arrows on argent (flag) and a rampart griffin of gule maintaining three arrows on argent field, with a cheif of azure. At the same time Master Kasper Device was also approved - a viking ship of gule on a arget field with a point of azure.

Needlework of blackwork been preformed by Mistress Christiana - an ongoing project for March to Jan 2013. Completed it will be the outer shell of an Elizabethan Coif.

Teaching of class of blackwork needlework at Wolfgang tourney to ten other members of Connacht where Christiana would earn a DI point in ministry.

Friday, November 18, 2011
August 2010 - October 2010 - Change in the wind
September was a busy month for two of the member of Phasiani lacus Manerium that lead the way to creating musical instruments and a new experience in creating these instruments. Back in late 2009 the idea was brought forth, and the candle was lit to begin the research on the making of guitars and of course to find the suppliers for materials to make these insturments which was no easily task for brick and mortar stores in the Okanagan.
Circlets - order of two May 2010
Year 2010 Jan - June year of growth???
May 2010 the Shire of Appledore had its annual Appledore championship of which there were five contestants of which Christiana was one of these. Appledore's champion must be a well rounded person and must partake within a number of fields to qualify, of which are rapier, archery, heavy, arts and sciences and bard. Christiana was not qualified in heavy to fight but was able to gain a point for at least having a bit of the heavy fighting equipment, but made up for the lack in participating in the other fields.
Lady Christiana hard at work with a cup of joe beside her as she goes through the gate forms to make sure everything balances and that every fee received is accounted for. The duties of an autocrat are never over till after the event, and than there are the reports to make and the thankyou to sent out. It would be the first event that she would autocrat, but is the second event she co hosted as a co autocrat. In a previous event she was known as site autocrat - campmaster August 2009. In been selected as autocrat for Tournament of Roses 2010 Christiana begun the advertising as soon as possible which begun in August of 2009.
Tournament of Roses 2010
Tournament of Roses February 27th 2010
To my lords and ladies, it is the time to prove yourself to your inspiration. The warm winds of spring blow the Shire of Damescombe invite one and all to come out and fight for your inspiration. The tournament will feature both the armored, and the rapier tornament to honor your inspiration, and to select a defender for the shire. There will be an A&S competition with the theme of "A ROSE", and classes and workshops, followed by a lovely feast prepared by our feast autocrat, Sexburga the Brewster. Merchants and instructors requiring information and booking contact Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable. There is no merchant fee.
Site opens February 27th, 2010 at 9:30
Closes February 27th 2010 at 11:00 PM..
Site Fees:
Youth 12 and over......................7.00
Children under 12.......................N/C
Family Cap ...............................35.00 (2 adults and 2 youth or more - must be of the same family not an SCA household.
NMS fees (non member) ..........3.00.
Feast Tickets.........................Pre reg:.............................$10.00
Fighters must show there yellow card at list to participate in the tourney and must have an INSPIRATION in attendance.
Tournament of Roses Feb. 27th 2010
Merchants and Artisans
Greeting to all the fabulous merchants of Tir Righ!
Tournament of Roses is quickly approaching and it is time to start encouraging the populace to clear space for Feb. 27th 2010 which is a Saturday, and to come join us in the Okanagan for a wonderful day. And of course, we all know how to entice people to come to an event, than to promise them great shopping! But we just cannot do that without the help of our fabulous merchants, artisans and craftsmen of Tir Righ.
As head of the Autocrat team, I'll like to extend a personal invitation to all merchants, artisans, and craftsmen, bring your goods, display your wares, and teach and show the people just what treasures they are lucky enough to have access to. We won't charge you a monetary fee to set up shop - we feel your presence adds to the ambiance of the event and as such, should be encouraged! Think of it as a chance to promote the wonders and teachings you have with the populace.
To the merchants - there is a limited amount of indoor space, however there is no need to bring tables as tables are supplied. I the autocrat will require to know how many tables you will require. (28 inch x 96 inch per table) Please email me at with your merchant name, product you are selling and number of tables required max. 2 tables - Your spot will be reserved and your name will be listed in this site. For emailing please see instructions under Special Note.
To the artisans, and craftsmen, as Autocrat, I will forward on the information to Mistress Yrsa, but will require an email from you, of the hours required for teaching (1, 2 and 4 hr blocks are available) an introduction of materials and course being taught, cost per student, min. max student numbers, and your title if applicable and instructor's name and any other requirements. These will be forwarded onto Mistress Yrsa.
Autocrat - Tournament of Roses
Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable
Tournament of Roses Feb 27th 2010 - A&S theme a Rose
The theme is a single rose on any medium and must be submitted before noon Feb 27th 2010 so that the judges can judge the medium at 2:00 PM Feb 27th 2010. The award will be awarded on the first bardic schedule to the winner. Please bring your item early so that it can be display to the populace.
List and armor weapon inspection opens at 10:00 AM
Rapier tourney begins at 10:30 and end at 12:30 PM
Your inspiration must be present during the tourney
.Now the rules:
1.) Each fighter receives 3 rose coins to start. The loser of a challenge must give a single rose coin to the victor.
2.) Roses cost 2 rose coins to purchase and are required to "win the tourney." However rose coins represents lives so purchasing roses puts you at greater risk of being killed. Fighters must balance their strategy.
3.) You can oinly purchase one rose per round. IF YOU HORDE your rose coins you may have many rose coins/lives and still fail to make the semi's because you don't have enough roses.
4.) You must have a coin to wager in order to participate
5.) The top 4 rose purchasers will comprise the semi-finals.
6.) The winner will be awarded the Shire of Danescombe Rapier Defender title,.
To the Rapier Fighters, please return the brown rose coins back to the list table for the heavy tourney, or to the Autocrat: Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable.
Heavy Rules for The Tournament of Roses Feb. 27, 2010
Heavy Marshal: Olin Medvedovich Squire to Sir Owain (mda Orrin Nesdoly)
Updated Feb 20, 2010
No one will ever lose a rose. Namely once your inspiration has one they wil have one. Although it is not written in the rules, each inspiration will start with one rose that they will keep.
Lists and armor inspection starts at 1:00 PM
Heavy Tourney (Main Hall) 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Your Inspiration must be present during the tourney
Now the rules:
1.) Each fighter receives 3 rose coins to start. The loser of a challenge must give a single coin to the victor
2.) Roses cost 2 rose coins to purchase and are required to "win the tourney." However rose coins represent lives so purchasing roses put you the fighter at greater risk of being killed. Fighters must balance their strategy.
3.) You can only purchase one rose per round. IF YOU HORDE your rose coins you may have many rose coins/lives and still fail to make the semi's because you don't have enough roses.
4.) You must have a rose coin to wager in order to participate
5.) The top 4 rose purchasers will comprise the semi-finals
6.) The winner will be awarded the Shire of Danescombe Heavy Defender title.
To all fighters - If you have any rose coins please return these to the list desk or to the Autocrat; Lady Chrisitiana Elizabeth Constable, so that they may be used at the next Tournament of Roses. These coins are brown ceramic disk with a rose stamped in the center.
Purposed guild (SCA) charters and rules.
Tudor Elizabethan Persona Guild
Know ye by these presents, that, we the Tudor Elizabethan Guild of the Principality of Tir Righ do petition the Principality of Tir Righ for affirmation of the guild on its ancient rights and practices.
1. ) The purpose of the guild is to promote the art and enjoyment of the Tudor Elizabethan Guild in persona context of the SCA, and to further, our knowledge and develop our skills in the full breath and depth of the art.
2.) Membership in the guild is open to any person willing to support the guild's purpose.
3.) Advisers and mentors are appointed by the Guild Minister to act as faithful council to the guild mister. The guild mentors shall encourage other to pursue the art of Tudor Elizabethan costuming, needlework, habitat and life skills, and to support the guild's purpose. The Tudor Elizabethan Guild shall concentrate on all aspects of the Tudor Elizabethan persona development.
4.) The guild minister shall guide the guild, support the guild's purpose and represent the guild in all matters concerning the guild and the SCA. Any decisions deemed important by the minister and the advisers shall be brought before the members at large either at a pre-announced meeting or through the official guild communication to all members.
5.) The guild minister shall affirmed every four years, or a new minister; acclaimed by the members at large at a meeting held at principality events. The time, date, and location of the meeting at the event shall be provided to the members through the official guild communication to all its members.
6.) Programs: may be established by the guild to teach Tudor Elizabethan persona skills, encourage studies and assist members in assessing and improving their own work.
7.) The guild shall serve the Crown of An Tir and the Principality of Tir Righ and truly, especially through the art of the Tudor Elizabethan persona.
8.) Furthermore the Crown of An Tir and or the Principality of Tir Righ shall from time to time at its options, confirm the guild in its rights, and privileges as it see fit.
Given by Order __________________________on this day_______in this________year of the Society.Minister of the Tudor Elizabethan Guild: Lady Christiana Elizabeth ConstableDeputy Minister of the Tudor Elizabethan Guild: Lord KasperChronicler of the Tudor Elizabethan Guild: Meredith the haln
The Tudor Elizabethan Guild was founded at the (a purposed guild - Principality Level) Tir Righ Investiture, August 2008 by the founding members of Lord Kasper and Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable. Presented below is the draft of Tudor Elizabethan Guild laws, by laws, and classifications...Document Navigation:.- Purpose- Membership- Meetings- Annual Meetings- Goals- Categories- Rankings- Rank Level (changes April 2010)- Chapters - Officers (changes April 2010)- Offical Communications.
The purpose of the Tudor Elizabethan Guild shall be:
a) Exist for the voluntary association and the mutual aid of its members.
b) Practice (both sexes) needlework, costume research, pattern making, optional, weaving of cloth, making of buttons and frogs, undergarments, etc. in the style of Tudor and/ or Elizabethan and/or Renaissance and/ or other European costuming of this period.
c) Further the research and study of the Tudor, Elizabethan and Renaissance period, and as much as possible the use of materials and fabrics of this period, and period techniques.
d) Strive to improve the quality of garb and costume making produced in this club.
e) Educate, encourage, and foster an awareness for garments of this period.
f) Regularly (annual) publish a newsletter (with members in mind) This is optional until membership reaches over ten members. Members will receive newsletters via the chat room. For those that wish a hard copy, a fee to cover publication price will apply.
a) Will be open to any current SCA members above 12 who show an interest for this period. 12 to 18 will be consider youth and shall have no voting rights and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The membership shall not be restricted to my ladies as my lords are welcome too.
b) Members choose their own level of involvement, from bring an embroiderer to a seamstress/ tailor and every level in between.
a) Will be held at regular intervals and will only be open to those of current SCA membership and legal age. 12 to 17 years old may participate but have no voting rights.
b) May include sessions, demos and/or information exchange on Tudor, Elizabethan, Costuming, needlework, habitat and life skills and all aspects of Tudor Elizabethan persona development (15th century - 1400s, to 17th century 1650).
c) May include judging completed projects.
d) As meeting are in members' homes, and limited for space, please do not bring children under age 12 and pets.
e) From time to time, meeting may take place through emails and polls within the chat room.
Annual Meeting:
a) A review of the guild shall be held at Summer Tir Righ Investiture.
b) Any changes may be made by the majority of the guild members. Those polling by email and suggestions by email, must forward email to the administrator before July 31st.
c) Elevations within the guild will be presented at this time.
Goals of the Tudor, Elizabethan, Guild
a) To sponsor at least one competition a year in the fields of Tudor, Elizabethan, persona in the form of costuming, needlework, cookery, habitat and life skills. b) To at least hold one class a year to educate the populace on aspects in the fields of Tudor, Elizabethan, . Only require to teach one of these fields.
c) To provide a medium of the exchange of information and goods between members of the guild and interested parties not affiliated with the guild.
d) To support the members and instruction of Tudor Elizabethan persona to its members.
Categories for Mastery:
There are two categories: These are Tudor, and Elizabethan . Some of the classes below may not exist in the main category listed here.
a) Costume research and pattern making; to be supported with documentation (required)
b) Costume - garment making (period techniques, fabrics etc) - required
c) Needlework and embellishments, stitches, embroidery - required.
d) Underpinning - required
e) Hats and hoods - optional
f ) Ruffs - dinner plate, and open collars - optional unless Tudor or Elizabethan
g) Apparel Laws - Documentation, style, colors, fabrics, class structure, etc - requiredh) Needlework - Documentation and projecti) Cookery - Documentationj) Habitat - Architecture, domestic skills - documentationk) Life skills - documentation and examples - can be combined with list above.
OPTIONAL - an entry in a Principality or Kingdom level competition
a) Rise in rank required a mastery of one of the major Categories as listed in categories.
b) To master a category, one must complete a full garment of one of the three major categories and the necessary accessories as listed in the sub categories and present it to be judged by at least three members at a guild meeting.
c) The presentation and documentation will be commented upon, preferably by at least two fellow members of the Guild.
d) For all categories entered, period documentation must be provided and any adaptations noted.
e) Any entry in Kingdom or Principality level competitions will be considered as one category presented and will require no comments.
Ranking Levels (changes made Apr 2010)
a) Novice: To become a Novice you must show an interest, and have attempted a sub category entry.
b) Student: To become an student, the Novice must master the production of one sub category listed in categories.
c) Journeyman / woman: (changed) To become a tailor or seamstress journeyman must provide documentation all accessories that would have being worn in the class and period of their choice from the major categories as list above. The journeyman must also write one article for the Guild publication or teach at a Collegian.
d) Founder's Clause: The founders limited to the first five, shall be consider if in position of Administrator known as Guild Master or Guild Mistress, and is recommended that they know of one of the major categories.
a) Every Shire/barony/group may have a chapter of the guild while a member lives within. The member must hold a current SCA card of membership.
b) Each Chapter is responsible for commenting upon fellow guild members' work
c) Chapters may organize themselves and their activities according to the Charter as they see fit.
d) Individual guild members are responsible for their own progress forms
e) Each member must collect colleagues' comments and send an email and form to the Guild Administrator of guild following the presentation of category entry. Failure to do this prevents rise in rankings
f) Each chapter shall abide by the Charter of the Guild, the laws of An Tir and the ideals of the SCA.
Officers: (changes Apr 2010)
a) The administrative head of the Guild is called the Guild Administrator of the Guild and may be of any rank.
b) She/ he shall hold office for no more than four years.
c) The Guild Administrator of Guild must maintain a current list of members and reply to their correspondence. All correspondence must be English.
d) Each members rank and progress must be reported and filed.
e) He or she must maintain and augment any Guild resource or index
f) The Guild Administrator of Guild may appoint a Co-Administrator, laws are the same as above
g) Only the Guild Administrator of Guild may appoint a Chronicler if necessary
h) The Chronicler is responsible for the publication of the Guild newsletter (Textiles and Needles) and may hold office for no more than four years.
i) The Chronicler is answerable to the Guild Administrator of Guild.
j) The newsletter should be produced at regular intervals ad issued at the cost of publication. The newsletter will be email as the mail source of communication.
k) The Exchequer of the guild will catalog, store and maintain the tribute given the Guild and be guided by the Guild Administrator of Guild of in its disbursement. All monies collected will be forwarded with a statement as per Kingdom Guild Laws. Currently because of size of Guild this post will remain vacant.
l) the Exchequer of the guild will be appointed by the Guild Administrator, of Guild, and may hold the office for no more than 4 yearsOfficial Communications:The guilds official communication shall be the Yahoo Chatroom as posted in links within this website.
This is a purposed laws and is subject to change without notice.Changes made within the charter October 30th 2010 by the Minister of the Tudor Elizabethan Guild)
The next charter and laws are for the purposed TRMWG medieval woodcraft guild founded under Kasper and Christiana.
Purposed Charter of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild
Know ye by these presents, that, we the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild of the Principality of Tir Righ do petition the Principality of Tir Righ for affirmation of the guild on its ancient rights and practices.
1.) The purpose of the guild is to promote the art and enjoyment of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild in the SCA, and to further, our knowledge and develop our skills in the full breath and depth of the woodcraft art.
2.) Membership in the guild is open to any person willing to support the guild's purpose.
3.) Advisors and mentors are appointed by the Guild Minister to act as faithful council to the Guild Minister. The guild mentors shall encourage others to pursue the art of Medieval Woodcraft skills, and to support the guild's purpose. The TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild shall concentrate on all aspects of medeval woodcraft.
4.) The guild minister shall guide the guild, support the guild's purpose and represent the guild in all matters concerning the guild and the SCA. Any decisions deemed important by the minister and the advisors shall be brought before the members at large either at a pre-announced meeting or through the official guild communication to all members.
5.) The guild minister shall affirmed every four years, or a new minister; acclaimed by the members at large at a meeting held at principility events. The time, date, and location of the meeting at the event shall be provided to the members through the official guild communications to all its members.
6.) Programs; may be established by the guild to teach Medieval Woocraft skills, encourage studies, and assist members in assessing and improving their owm work.
7.) The guild shall serve the Crown of An Tir and the Principilty of Tir Righ and truly, especially through the art of medieval woodcraft art.
8.) Furthermore the Crown of An Tir and or Princpality of Tir Righ shall from time to time at its options, comfirm the guild in its rights, and privileges as it sees fit.
Given by Order ______________________________on this day __________in this _______ year of the Society.
Minister of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild: Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable
Deputy Minister of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild: Lord Kasper
Chronicler of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild: Meredith the haln
Posted - Friday, November 12, 2010
TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Charter Purposed
A new charter - simpler and easier is posted on this site. It is still to go before their highness, before becoming an official charter for the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild. Updates below the laws will be added as they come available below with web connections to our personal member's woodcraft.
The Medieval Wood Craft Guild - Laws (purposed)
Document Navigation
1) Purpose
2) Membership
3) Meetings
4) Annual Meetings
5) Goals
6) Categories
7) Rankings (changes made Apr 2010)
8) Rank Level (changes made Apr 2010)
9) Chapters
10) Officers (changes made Apr 2010)
The purpose of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild shall be to:
a) Exist for the voluntary association and the mutual aid of its members
b) Practice Medieval Woodcraft, wood joinery, wood carving, musical instrument making and construction, wood turning through the period of 650 AD to 1650 AD in the style of the Medieval, Far East, Middle East, and Renaissance period.
c) Further the research and study of period Medieval Woodcraft techniques
d) Strive to improve the quality and products produced in the club
e) Educate, encourage, and foster an awareness of Medieval Woodcraft arts within the populace
f) (Will come on line as membership increases) Regularly publish a newsletter with the needs of the members in mind. The be delivered to the members by the trwmg chat room.
a) Membership is open to any person, who desires to work with wood and techniques. If under 18 must be accompany by an adult. Must hold a current membership on SCA.
b) Because of the inherited dangers of working with tools on wood, youth membership must accompany by an adult, and the adult must sign a waiver so that the instructors are not held accountable for injury to youth when working with woodworking tools.
c) Members choose their own level of involvement, from woodcarving, wood turning, wood joinery, and musical instruments.
a) Bi annual meetings will be held at regular intervals and will only be open to those of legal age, and hold a current SCA membership.
b) Meetings may include demos in the Medieval Woodcraft, and/ or information exchange.
c) May include judging of completed projects
d) As meetings may be held online via the chat room or at members' homes, an limited space, please do not bring pets/ children under age 12 and children age 12 known as youth must indicate an interest in woodworking. Meetings may also take place at Tir Righ Investitures.
Annual meeting:
a) A review of the Guild shall be held online one month prior the Summer Investiture, and finalized at the Summer Investiture of Tir Righ.
b) Any changes may be made by a majority of the guild members through polling on line or at the August Investiture. Polling will be reserved to those over 18 and holding a current membership in the SCA.
c) Elevations withing the guild will be presented at this time.
Goals of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild
a) To sponsor at least one competition a year in the field of Medieval Woodcraft. This to be determine later as membership increase as per event. Suggestion the annual Tir Rign A&S competition. (MEMBERS PLEASE FEED BACK INFORMATION ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR STRUCTURE AND EVENTS).
b) To hold at least one class a year to educated the populace on the aspects of the fields of Medieval Woodcraft and interested parties not affiliated with the guild.
c) To support the membership, in learning the art of Medieval Woodcraft and to support instruction within reason to its members of the guild.
Categories for Mastery:
a) Tent frame and camp furniture: must be as close to being period as possible - models are acceptable along with documentation.
b) Woodcarving: i) sculpture: ii) relief (high and low) woodcarving: iii) country craft wood shaping and carving (helving, handles, spoon work, spoke shave and draw knife): whittling: chip carving, architectural carving. Our carving instructor is Lord Kasper and can be reached at charlescasperson@yahoo.com
c) Medieval seige weapons of wood: (These can be scaled models) documentation required
d) Bolger work: (chairs, stools)
e) Wood joinery: (cabinet, tables, chest, beds). Our instructor is Lady Christiana and can be reached at pheasant01@yahoo.com
f) Spinning and Turning: Lathe work and spinning (Our instructor temporary Lady Christiana)
g) Luthier: Musical wooden instruments (lutes, period guitars, drums, Celtic harps etc) - instructor is Lady Christiana
h) Medieval architecture: Documentation is only required for this one, but if one wish to make scaled down models showing the joinery aspects, you made do so. (Gothic, Norse, Renaissance etc) - instructor is Lady Christiana
i) OPTIONAL - an entry in a Principality or Kingdom level A&S competition
Rankings: (changes made - Apr 2010)
Note: Excludes founding members (the first five members to form group)
a) A rise in rank requires a mastery of one of the categories listed in categories for mastery:
b) To master a category, one product must be produced for an event and must be view by the journeyman - journeyworman of the guild in there chosen mastery field, and/or A&S judges.
c) For all categories entered, period documentation must be provided and any adaptations noted.
d) Any entry in Kingdom or Principality level competitions will be considered as one category presented and will require no comment. To become a master, this will be determine at the Laurel level
Ranking Levels: (Changes made Apr 2010)
a) Novice: To become a novice you must show interest and have attempted one category entry
b) Student: To become an student, the novice must master the production of one category, or attempted three categories. One of these entries must be presented at a guild meeting.
c) Apprenticeage: To become a apprentice, the student must master three categories. One of these entries must be presented at an official event. The student must submit one article on line for the guild publication or teach at Guild/Shire level.
d) Journeyman or Journey women of the above catagory (example: Journeyman of Woodcarving): To become a Journeyman or journey women, a apprenticeage must provide a project at an A&S event Kingdom or Principality. The journeyman must also write one article for guild publication or teach at a Collegian. Note: to become a Master or Mistress will be determine by the Laurals.
e) Founder Clause: This is reserve to the founders, as they may or may not attained journeyman ship and or Mastership through the SCA, but have acquired their knowledge through mundane life. This clause is limited to the first five founding members.
a) Every shire/barony/group may have a chapter of the guild while a single member lives within the region.
b) Each Chapter is responsible for commenting upon fellow guild members' work
c) Chapters may organize themselves and their activities according to the Charter as they see fit.
d) Individuals guild members are responsible for their own progress forms, which a copy of must be sent to the head administrator before the annual meeting (deadline July 31) known as a progress report.
e) each member must collect colleagues' comments and send the form to the Guild administrator of guild following the presentation of each category entry. Failure to do so will prevent rise in rankings.
f) Each chapter shall abide by the Charter of the Guild, the laws on An Tir and the ideals of the SCA.
Officers: (changes made Apr 2010)
a) The administrator head of the guild is called the Guild Adminstrator of the guild and may be of any rank.
b) She/he shall hold office for no more than four years
c) The Guild administrator of guild must maintain a current list of members and reply to their correspondence
d) Each members increase in rank and progress must be recorded and filed.
e) The Guild Administrator of guild may appoint a Chronicler if necessary
f) The Chronicler is responsible for the publication of the Guild newsletter and may hold office for no more than four years.
g) The Chronicler is answerable to the Guild Administrator of guild
h) The newsletter should be produced at least once a year and at a regular interval and issued either by the chat room or at issued cost of publication
i) The Exchequer will catalog the store and maintain the store and tribute given by the guild and be guild by the Guild Administrator of Guild in its disbursement
j) The Exchequer will be appointed by the Guild Admiinistrator of Guild and may hold office for no more than 4 years.
k) The Exchequer shall make annual expense forms, that must be submitted to the Guild Administator of Guild, to be further set to the Kingdom Exchequer.
(Currently the Exchequer post will remain empty until the need arises within the membership status).Official Communications Site: (changes made Nov 30th 2010)The official communication will be of that of the TRMWG Medieval Woodcraft Guild, Yahoo chatroom