We of Phasiani lacus Manerium along with a few other members of the Shire of Danescombe helped in hosting the Tourament of Roses for 2010 with Christiana been the Autocrat, Meredith the haln on Gate, and Kasper - assistant Autocrat, and Esther during pie piper. There were others that helped and I Christiana do wish to thank all those involved in making this event a success and to make it a part of history of Phasiani lacus Manerium and the Shire of Danecombe for Feb 2010.
Tournament of Roses February 27th 2010
Tournament of Roses February 27th 2010
To my lords and ladies, it is the time to prove yourself to your inspiration. The warm winds of spring blow the Shire of Damescombe invite one and all to come out and fight for your inspiration. The tournament will feature both the armored, and the rapier tornament to honor your inspiration, and to select a defender for the shire. There will be an A&S competition with the theme of "A ROSE", and classes and workshops, followed by a lovely feast prepared by our feast autocrat, Sexburga the Brewster. Merchants and instructors requiring information and booking contact Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable. There is no merchant fee.
Site opens February 27th, 2010 at 9:30
Closes February 27th 2010 at 11:00 PM..
Site Fees:
Youth 12 and over......................7.00
Children under 12.......................N/C
Family Cap ...............................35.00 (2 adults and 2 youth or more - must be of the same family not an SCA household.
NMS fees (non member) ..........3.00.
Feast Tickets.........................Pre reg:.............................$10.00
after Jan 10th 2010...........................................................12.00.
Fighters must show there yellow card at list to participate in the tourney and must have an INSPIRATION in attendance.
Tournament of Roses Feb. 27th 2010
Merchants and Artisans
Fighters must show there yellow card at list to participate in the tourney and must have an INSPIRATION in attendance.
Tournament of Roses Feb. 27th 2010
Merchants and Artisans
Greeting to all the fabulous merchants of Tir Righ!
Tournament of Roses is quickly approaching and it is time to start encouraging the populace to clear space for Feb. 27th 2010 which is a Saturday, and to come join us in the Okanagan for a wonderful day. And of course, we all know how to entice people to come to an event, than to promise them great shopping! But we just cannot do that without the help of our fabulous merchants, artisans and craftsmen of Tir Righ.
As head of the Autocrat team, I'll like to extend a personal invitation to all merchants, artisans, and craftsmen, bring your goods, display your wares, and teach and show the people just what treasures they are lucky enough to have access to. We won't charge you a monetary fee to set up shop - we feel your presence adds to the ambiance of the event and as such, should be encouraged! Think of it as a chance to promote the wonders and teachings you have with the populace.
To the merchants - there is a limited amount of indoor space, however there is no need to bring tables as tables are supplied. I the autocrat will require to know how many tables you will require. (28 inch x 96 inch per table) Please email me at with your merchant name, product you are selling and number of tables required max. 2 tables - Your spot will be reserved and your name will be listed in this site. For emailing please see instructions under Special Note.
To the artisans, and craftsmen, as Autocrat, I will forward on the information to Mistress Yrsa, but will require an email from you, of the hours required for teaching (1, 2 and 4 hr blocks are available) an introduction of materials and course being taught, cost per student, min. max student numbers, and your title if applicable and instructor's name and any other requirements. These will be forwarded onto Mistress Yrsa.
Autocrat - Tournament of Roses
Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable
Tournament of Roses Feb 27th 2010 - A&S theme a Rose
The theme is a single rose on any medium and must be submitted before noon Feb 27th 2010 so that the judges can judge the medium at 2:00 PM Feb 27th 2010. The award will be awarded on the first bardic schedule to the winner. Please bring your item early so that it can be display to the populace.
Marshal: H.L. Kristophe Spender.
No one ever loses a rose. Namely once your inspiration has one they will have one. Although it is not written in the rules, each inspiration will start with one rose that they will keep.
List and armor weapon inspection opens at 10:00 AM
Rapier tourney begins at 10:30 and end at 12:30 PM
Your inspiration must be present during the tourney
.Now the rules:
1.) Each fighter receives 3 rose coins to start. The loser of a challenge must give a single rose coin to the victor.
2.) Roses cost 2 rose coins to purchase and are required to "win the tourney." However rose coins represents lives so purchasing roses puts you at greater risk of being killed. Fighters must balance their strategy.
3.) You can oinly purchase one rose per round. IF YOU HORDE your rose coins you may have many rose coins/lives and still fail to make the semi's because you don't have enough roses.
4.) You must have a coin to wager in order to participate
5.) The top 4 rose purchasers will comprise the semi-finals.
6.) The winner will be awarded the Shire of Danescombe Rapier Defender title,.
To the Rapier Fighters, please return the brown rose coins back to the list table for the heavy tourney, or to the Autocrat: Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable.
List and armor weapon inspection opens at 10:00 AM
Rapier tourney begins at 10:30 and end at 12:30 PM
Your inspiration must be present during the tourney
.Now the rules:
1.) Each fighter receives 3 rose coins to start. The loser of a challenge must give a single rose coin to the victor.
2.) Roses cost 2 rose coins to purchase and are required to "win the tourney." However rose coins represents lives so purchasing roses puts you at greater risk of being killed. Fighters must balance their strategy.
3.) You can oinly purchase one rose per round. IF YOU HORDE your rose coins you may have many rose coins/lives and still fail to make the semi's because you don't have enough roses.
4.) You must have a coin to wager in order to participate
5.) The top 4 rose purchasers will comprise the semi-finals.
6.) The winner will be awarded the Shire of Danescombe Rapier Defender title,.
To the Rapier Fighters, please return the brown rose coins back to the list table for the heavy tourney, or to the Autocrat: Lady Christiana Elizabeth Constable.
Heavy Rules for The Tournament of Roses Feb. 27, 2010
Heavy Marshal: Olin Medvedovich Squire to Sir Owain (mda Orrin Nesdoly)
Updated Feb 20, 2010
No one will ever lose a rose. Namely once your inspiration has one they wil have one. Although it is not written in the rules, each inspiration will start with one rose that they will keep.
Lists and armor inspection starts at 1:00 PM
Heavy Tourney (Main Hall) 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Your Inspiration must be present during the tourney
Now the rules:
1.) Each fighter receives 3 rose coins to start. The loser of a challenge must give a single coin to the victor
2.) Roses cost 2 rose coins to purchase and are required to "win the tourney." However rose coins represent lives so purchasing roses put you the fighter at greater risk of being killed. Fighters must balance their strategy.
3.) You can only purchase one rose per round. IF YOU HORDE your rose coins you may have many rose coins/lives and still fail to make the semi's because you don't have enough roses.
4.) You must have a rose coin to wager in order to participate
5.) The top 4 rose purchasers will comprise the semi-finals
6.) The winner will be awarded the Shire of Danescombe Heavy Defender title.
To all fighters - If you have any rose coins please return these to the list desk or to the Autocrat; Lady Chrisitiana Elizabeth Constable, so that they may be used at the next Tournament of Roses. These coins are brown ceramic disk with a rose stamped in the center.
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